We're super proud of our project, and thrilled to share a piece that the CLP's @jenmitsche wrote for the @concordiafoodcoalition blog. Follow the link in our bio to read this piece that tells the story of our project and the increasingly urgent need that students have to connect with each other over good food. Like we've always said, focus on the food first, and everything else will follow!
Posted @withregram • @joshnamaharaj Attention postsecondary students! Campus food coordinators! Student health services! College & university administrators! Time and time again postsecondary students tell us that they're hungry...for good, wholesome food, and for connection with others around a table.
The @communallunch project has been filling this gap for some students, and we're delighted to share some of our resources with other schools and groups looking to offer virtual and in-person communal cooking sessions for students.
The resources section on our website now holds all of the kitchen notes that we created for both virtual and in-person cook alongs. These are recipes that are #seasonal, #affordable, #wholesome, #delicious, #culturallydiverse, and easy to make!
Follow the link in my bio to check this out, download some kitchen notes and get cooking on your campus!!
#studentfood #studentfoodsecurity #communalcooking
Join this free, hybrid event tomorrow! The Social Justice Centre at Concordia welcomes Erik Chevrier for a talk on how to build food-sovereign campuses. For more information and to register, follow this link: https://www.concordia.ca/cuevents/artsci/social-justice-centre/2023/03/Speaker_Series_with_Erik_Chevrier.html
Those cool nights and coloured leaves mean that Thanksgiving is upon us! We're hosting a virtual cook along session this Thursday to share two delicious vegetable recipes that would make a perfect side dish to any harvest table. Here's the list of equipment you'll need. It's super simple, and SO delicious!! Join us on Thursday! Follow the link in our bio to register on Eventbrite. @thegeorgeresidence
These cooler days mean we're fully into fall, and that much closer to our Thanksgiving Virtual Cook Along on Oct. 6. We're making simple vegetable sides that would be perfect accompaniments to any Thanksgiving table. Here's the list of ingredients you need to get your hands on to join our virtual session. Follow the link in our bio to register, and see you on October 6! @thegeorgeresidence
We’re super excited about our Giving Thanks cook along next Thursday October 6 at 6:30pm EDT!! Join us for a virtual session where we cook two simple, delicious side dishes that would be a perfect fit on any Thanksgiving table. Vegetables can be the star of the show, and we’ll show you how! We’re making Maple Ginger Roasted Squash, and Miso Butter Braised Greens, which will work beautifully with other vegetable dishes, or any sort of roast! Register via Eventbrite from the link in bio, and we look forward to seeing you on the call next week! Shoutouts to our awesome GBC friends & partners to help spread the word: @gbcollege @bssn_gbc @gbcreation @gbcollegeinternational @greengbc @gbcpeercommunity @sagbcevents #studentfood #givingthanks #braisedgreens #roastedsquash #simplerecipes #thanksgiving #sidedishes #fallfood
Posted @withrepost • @joshnamaharaj The @communallunch project team held its second #SundaysinResidence @thegeorgeresidence yesterday! We had a big group of students, and made beef & veggie nachos, fully loaded with guacamole, fresh salsa, and quick pickled vegetables, and a rich chocolate fudge cake packed with beet & zucchini. Then everyone piled onto the couch in the common room and watched Ratatouille!! It was a perfect way to start the academic year, show the students how they can share food with each other, and demonstrate ways to build a campus food culture. #studentfood #vegetablecake #makeittogether #loadednachos #chocolatecake #communitykitchen
#CommunalLunch #GBC #GBCResidence #GeorgeBrown #CommunityKitchen #CommunalEating
THIS SUNDAY: Get excited for Nachos, Cake, and The Lunchbox 🎞
We are back with our 2nd Sundays in Residence series event for GBC Residence students. Chef Joshna Maharaj will be leading a community kitchen to prepare delicious nachos and chocolate cake, followed by everyone sitting down to lounge and watch a movie.
Make sure to register with the Residence team!
#CommunalEating #CommunalLunch #CommunityKitchen #GBCStudents #GBC
When you gather together in a kitchen with a community or with family, you get to have great conversations and share a great meal.
But you also take home values that impact your life in many positive ways.
Have you ever participated in a community kitchen? What was your experience like?
Comment below to let us know ⬇️ and mention if you would like to attend our next food workshop!
#CommunalLunch #CommunityKitchen #GBC #StudentLife #ShareAMeal
Can you guess the cost of ingredients for the grain bowls we made at our last event? Comment below ⬇️
The cost was unbelievable. The flavors? Mouth-watering.
And working together with other students to create a meal? Like a home away from home.
All students went home with a big smile.
Stay tuned to hear about the values we took home from the event 🍽
#CommunalLunch #CommunityKitchen #GBC #GuessChallenge
Impactful conversations over a fulfilling meal is how we spent our weekend 🧑🍳 Stay tuned to hear about upcoming exciting events and how we intend to make change over meals 🍋🍅🗣
Posted @withregram • @joshnamaharaj A kitchen is so much more than food and equipment. Kitchens need to be inviting spaces that welcome you in, and offer some inspiration for what delicious things can be made. Last weekend, the @communallunch team and I hosted a community kitchen session for students @thegeorgeresidence. We made brown rice bowls, packed full of seasonal ingredients and delicious summer flavour. We had 12 students in the kitchen, and in just 2 hours, we had all of this beautiful food prepped and ready to eat. Around the table with students we heard lots of stories of bad food experiences, and got lots of ideas about the kind of good food programs they'd love to see. Basic needs include air, water, AND food. Student residences that don't include meal plans or any food service do NOT meet student needs. Food is not a frill, it's a basic human need. This can be so much better. #studentfood #communitykitchen #kitchenanimation #brownricebowl #studentcooking #summerfood #localfood
#CommunalLunch #CookWithUs #GBC
We hosted our first in-person community kitchen on July 17th after two years of virtual events! Check out some of our favorite clicks from Sundays in Residence (swipe ➡️)
Chef @joshnamaharaj taught GBC Residence students how to prepare rice bowls. Participants got to sit together for a meal and then take a second rice bowl home for the next day!
Follow us for more meals, events, and impactful conversations.
Thanks to our partners at GBC for supporting our event
#CommunalLunch #CommunityKitchen #CookAlong #GBC #CookWithUs
GBC Residence students, join us for in-person community cooking on July 17 at 4 pm!
Prepare delicious rice bowls with Chef @joshnamaharaj. Have a bowl for dinner and take one home for the next day!
Register with the Residence Team @thegeorgeresidence today!
Take advantage of the delicious seasonal produce that's starting to become available and try a simple & easy Cucumber Salad recipe from @joshnamaharaj that's ready in 10 minutes! For the full recipe, click the link in our bio.
#NourishingStudents #WholesomeEating #SeasonalEating #EatWithTheSeasons
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